Friday, July 25, 2008

Expert power can be protected by developing a professional structure that controls access to these skills or knowledge. The claim to a unique body of knowledge makes it impossible for outsiders to pass judgement on professional performance.

A clinical nursing specialist can have direct authority over the behaviour of individual nurses and therefore can evaluate or promote these nurses. The clinical nurse specialist is able to alter the manner in which care is delivered on a nursing unit by providing information and resources and appropriate changes in case.

5. Coercive power: Coercive power is based on, fear. Compliance is induced because failure to comply will result in punishment or penalties. It allows people to attain control through fear, threat or coercion.-The power of some authoritarian leaders is coercive. They control through fear of loss of job or of punishment, such as undesirable assignments or shifts. Your just response may be that coercive power is inherently inappropriate. But some situation may require coercion. The law exercises coercive power to maintain safety for citizens.

In a hospital setting, coercion is sometime used to solve the problems that involve potential danger to clients. For example, if a nurse is discovered to be abusing drug, the threat of loss of license, job and ability to support herself may force her into an approved treatment and monitoring programme. Although there may be philosophical support for self-direction in obtaining help, the safety of clients is so important that it must be the first consideration. Therefore, coercion may be used when other avenues are unsuccessful.

6. Connection power: A manager with connection power has bonds with influential and important people within or outside an organisation. By complying with the manager, followers believe that favour will be gained with the important people connected with their leader.

Connection power is very important to masses. Nursing is the single largest healthcare occupation. The force of all nurses working together could be phenomenal. Even with a patient care unit a group of nurses working together towards a single goal will produce results. In a climate in which there is a shortage of nurses this connectional power of nurses can be very strong.

7. Information power: This is based on possession of or access to information.

This can influence people because of the belief that compliance will result in sharing of information. It occurs when a person controls information that is needed or could be used by others. Information that provides power may be knowledge of the institution's budget or income. -

All these sources are related to one another. Coercive power and reward powers are two ends of the same continuum. A manager can reward those who comply and can punish those who fail. Such authority may be granted by the nature of a position that. is legitimate power. Referent power and expert power are contained within a person and therefore can be labelled as personal power. Connection power can be involved position or can refer to those connected to the manager regardless of the position held. Connection power therefore, can be both position power and personal power. Inf6rmation* power also can be both personal and position power because a manager can have access to information given the nature of one's position or because of personal reasons.


Various personal and material resources arc necessary to develop power effectively. Personal resources include both physical and psychological ones. You must have energy, without it you are powerless. Material resources may come from within the organisation, but where and how they are used may' vary greatly.

Physical resources

Physical resources for power are the strength you bring to each day's tasks. Health that provides energy and enthusiasm for activity is the base for the ability to act effectively. Nurses,. who recommend health living p4ttergs, including diet, exercise, rest and relaxation to client should incorporate those patterns into their own lives. Although some are successful in spite of lack of physical health, the better your general health state the easier it will be to become more powerful.

Psychological resources

The need for psychological resources for power is also important. The ability of the psychological system, to affect work done over time, may result in either more or less work, than a person is capable of doing.

To achieve power we must develop a strong self-concept. Without a positive value of ourselves and abilities others will not come to view you as competent and resourceful. To develop ' self-esteem we must have clear awareness of our strengths and limitation . I of us have areas in which we do better. Limitations may be more constructively viewed as areas in which growth is needed.

Another important point for developing the personal power is maintaining a positive forward outlook in the current situation. This does not imply that you ignore problems and difficulties, but tliat you choose to view them as challenges to. be overcome. When mistakes are made, you can look for situations and directions for growth rather than for someone to blame.

Material resources

It is needed for the exercise of power. It includes money or objects. Without material resources some actions just are not possible. Even when resources are available if you do not control their use then you lack this resources for your own action. Much power in our society derives from the control of material resources.

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